Soil Survey: The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has made soil survey maps available online.
NH Shore Line Protection Act: “The Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act (CSPA) establishes minimum standards for activities within the Protected Shoreland that are designed to protect the water quality of the state’s larger water bodies and to fulfill the state’s role as trustee of those waters.”
NH Septic System Info: The NH Department of Environmental Services has an online database with septic approval.
NH ELMIB: New Hampshire Community Profiles provides information on the 234 incorporated cities and towns in the State of New Hampshire such as unemployment statistics.
Mortgage Fraud Blog: “Mortgage Fraud Blog is the premier website for news and information on mortgage fraud and real estate fraud throughout the United States.”
NH Property Tax Rates: The NH Department of Revenue Administration posts the property tax rates for each community in the state.